Frequently Asked Questions

There is no cost for a copy of the software, however, the cost book is a licensed product and does have a fee. The MII software can be obtained in one of the following ways:

  1. If individuals/companies outside the government are under contract with USACE or DoD under the TRACES contract; that U.S. Army Corps of Engineers district or division office can provide MII, its libraries, and documentation at the discretion of the individual office and based on their contract requirements.
  2. If individuals/companies outside the government are NOT under contract with USACE; the software will be distributed upon completion of a Certified training course. The training can be performed by JMF Training & Support Specialists, LLC for the Tri-Service Cost Engineering Community of Practice and their supporting A/E’s. Upon completion of this course, the MII software can be provided to AE’s. The course will follow the same course material provided as PROSPECT training.
  3. If a government agency outside of the Tri-Service Cost Engineering Community of Practice, they should e-mail

A one-year support contract is included in the cost of all MII training courses. A support contract is available for $250 per year and can only be purchased by individuals who have completed a training session. Click here to renew your contract.

If you have not attended an MII training course, ad hoc support is available for $200 per hour. To request ad hoc support, please contact us at

For the current training schedule and instructions on how to register for a class, please visit our Training Page.